
What is the best kind of profile picture for a camgirl?


It's hard enough choosing a profile picture for a social media account, let alone for your camgirl profile - so what type of profile picture works best?

One day in late June we logged on to MFC and tallied up the types of profile pics used by the top 50 models in that day's MissMFC chart. It was close to the end of the month, so it's fair to say they were the models most likely to end the month in the top 50 - the 'best' models on the site, if you want to look at it that way.

The Girl and the Camera by Heidi Rewell
What we found might surprise you - especially if you feel pressured to show nudity in your profile picture. In fact, we found the very top camgirls don't necessarily show anything, including either their face or their body.

The Top 10

The 3D chart below shows the results for the top 10 models, then the top 20, and so on - the bars on the back row show the totals for the full top 50.

We found that, broadly speaking, the top 50 profile pictures could all be placed into one of eight categories.

In the top 10, only four of these categories were used:

  • Torso implied: The model is pictured from the waist up, topless but either covering her breasts with her arms, or pictured from behind with nothing showing.
  • Face covered: Only the model's head is visible, with her face either completely covered, or partially (but significantly) covered.
  • Face visible: A 'standard' profile pic you might see on a social network, pictured from the shoulders up, facing the camera.
  • Torso clothed: Pictured from the waist up, fully clothed - in general this didn't just mean a bra, but some kind of shirt or blanket too.
Interestingly, we found three models used a profile picture with their face at least partly covered, and all three were in the top five models on the MissMFC chart on that day.

Even more surprising, these were the only three out of the entire top 50 models to fall into the 'face covered' category - marking this out as a category used only by the very top models.

Both of the other two models in the top five used torso shots with implied nudity but nothing actually visible - and note that none of the categories actually includes nudity, except for perhaps a bare back or a hand bra.

None of the top five models on the day we checked showed 'significant' nudity in their profile picture - and three at least partially covered their face.

The Results

Top 50 MissMFC profile pics by category, June 2016
The chart isn't as confusing as it might look. The front, dark blue bars represent the profile pictures of the top 10 models. The second row of red bars adds in models 11-20, the green bars represent the top 30, and so on.

Where the front bars are as tall as the back-most bars, such as in the covered face and implied nudity torso categories, this suggests that fewer models outside of the top 10 have a profile pic that falls into that category.

Where the bars get progressively taller, such as the visible face, clothed torso and 'butts' category (more on that one in a moment!) it's a sign that the category is used further down the top 50.

And where there is no bar at all towards the front of the chart - as in all four of the categories towards the right-hand side - it's a sign that only models outside of the top ten use that type of profile pic.

The Top 50

So outside of the top ten, what patterns begin to emerge? As we added in the remaining 40 models, we found four new types of photo were used:

  • Bikini: We used this for any model who was pictured in either a bikini or in underwear/lingerie that covered a similar amount of her body.
  • Torso topless: The model was pictured from the waist up, topless with breasts and nipples visible.
  • Butts: Our favorite category! We used this one for profile pictures that showed one or more butts in close-up, with little to no other body parts visible.
  • Full body topless: Similar to 'torso topless' but with the model visible below the waist.
As you can see from the steadily growing bars as you move from the front of the chart to the back, these categories are all quite evenly represented throughout models 11-50 in the list, even though they were not used by the top ten models.

For some reason there were more butt close-ups near the bottom of the list, with three added to the total in the 41-50 range, but there's probably no great significance to that.

Apart from the occasional butt, the only graphic nudity among the top 50 models' profile pics were topless photos - we didn't see any vaginas at all.


Does a profile picture determine your success? Probably not. Could it make a difference? To an extent, probably yes. It's the first thing many members see when you appear on their homepage menu.

Remember though, many other members will see a preview of your cam stream rather than your profile pic, depending on their settings.

It is interesting to see that the top models tend to be quite covered up in their profile pics though - even covering some or all of their face.

Further down the list, there are more topless photos and implied nudity, but there's still nothing really graphic.

If you feel obliged to 'show something' in your profile picture, it is perhaps worth remembering that the top models don't, and nor do most of the models further down in the top 50.

Admittedly this was just a snapshot on one day - the ranks of the top 50 models change all the time, and models change their profile pics frequently too - but it gives a glimpse of what was happening on that one day in late June.

You don't have to show nudity - or even your face - to get to the top of the MissMFC rankings. In fact, the models higher up in the rankings usually show less than those further down.

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