
Camgirl Profile CSS: Hide a Section


If the site you work on allows it, advanced CSS can give you even more control over your camgirl profile - and hiding a section is one of the easiest things you can do.

You'll need to be brave if you've never edited CSS before, but once you're familiar with what you're doing, hiding a section of your profile shouldn't be too much of a challenge at all.

'Inline' by Exey Panteleev
1. What's its name?

First of all, you need to know the name of the section you want to hide.

To do this, open your profile in Chrome, right-click on the heading of the section, and click Inspect Element.

A box will pop up at the bottom of the screen, showing you the source code of the page at that point. Don't panic!

If you point to different lines in the code, the relevant part of the page will highlight above, making it easy to spot the section you want to hide.

On MFC, the main sections of your profile can be spotted because they all begin with:

<div class="profile_subsection"

...and each section then has an ID, for example id="profile_about_me" or id="profile_friends"

Make a note of the ID of the section you want to hide - you'll need it in a moment.

2. Hide the section using CSS

Next, open your profile editor and click through to the advanced CSS option.

If you've never used anything except the normal profile editor, there shouldn't be much CSS in the box at this point - but you're about to add to it.

To hide, for example, the Friends section, including your 5-star rating, Admirers and so on, you need to add the following code to the bottom of the advanced CSS box:

#profile_friends {

Click the preview button, and the section should be hidden.

3. How does it work?

The # symbol means the CSS rule is applied to everything with an ID that matches the rule - so you would use #profile_about_me to make a CSS rule for the About Me section, and so on.

(If you want to make a CSS rule for everything with a matching class you use a . in place of the # so, for example, .profile_subsection would affect every subsection of your profile - handy for changing all of the fonts at once, for instance.)

Everything between the { and } is part of the CSS rule to be applied to that part of the page.

The display rule simply tells the web browser whether or not that part of the page should be shown at all.

So display:none means it should be hidden, and each individual line of CSS should end with a semi-colon ; which is used to separate different instructions - for example, you might want to set the font for that section of the page, and also set the font size.

If (and when) you reach the stage of applying multiple rules to a section of your profile like this, remember to keep them on separate lines, and don't forget the semi-colon at the end of each line, or your CSS might not work.

As long as you only preview the CSS rather than actually saving it, you shouldn't make any permanent changes to your profile - so if you go wrong, just close the page and start again without saving your changes.

The best way to learn CSS is to try it yourself, just remember not to save your changes if you go wrong!

What would you like to be able to do to your profile? Let us know and we will put together some more in-depth how-to guides for camgirl profile CSS in the future.

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