
Jumbo Playing Cards


One of the easiest ways to introduce games to your room is a pack of playing cards - there are all kinds of games you can play with these, and they're pretty easy to handle on cam too.

Jumbo playing cards are an excellent way to make things easier to see on cam, and your viewers will appreciate the extra effort too, which means you might find you can charge a little extra for them to play.

How big are jumbo playing cards?

They're not all the same size, so shop around for a size you can work with.

We found two main sizes - first there are giant playing cards measuring about 5" x 7" or roughly the size of a large photograph print.

If that's not big enough for you, there are even bigger jumbo playing cards and these measure in at nearly 9" x 12" or about the size of a normal sheet of paper.

There are lots of both sizes available on Amazon, priced at about $5 for giant cards and $15 for jumbo cards.

What games can I play?

In theory, you can play any normal card game, but it's best to stick to very simple games that only take a minute or two to complete.

Some popular options are:


Deal 5 cards and turn the first one face up. The player must guess if the next card is higher or lower, and then if the next card after that is higher or lower than the second card, and so on.

If they guess right all the way across the line, they get a prize. The chances of a win depend on the cards - turn a 7 and it's much harder to guess higher or lower correctly.


Also sometimes known as Pontoon or 21, you deal two cards face up to the player. They can 'stand' or 'hit'. If they hit, they are dealt a third card, and then a fourth, and so on. The aim is to score as close to 21 as possible without going over, in which case the player is 'bust' and it is game over.

All face cards (J,Q,K) score 10 points, and an Ace is worth 11 - but if the player is bust and has an Ace, they can count it as a score of 1 instead. If the first two cards are an Ace and any 10-point card, that is 'Blackjack' as they have been dealt a score of 21.

Technically if the player scores 21 with three or more cards, it's not 'Blackjack' but is still worth 21 points, although in plenty of rooms you'll see any score of 21 get called 'Blackjack'.

Once the player has had their turn, the dealer (i.e. the model) takes their turn too, to try and beat the player's score. You can't 'stand' on less than the player's score, or you've lost. Go over 21 and you're bust, and have lost. If either of these things happen, the player wins and gets the prize.

High Card

Probably the easiest card game of all, if your audience is not too bright today...! Simply cut the deck once for the player, and once for the dealer. Whoever gets the higher card wins.

Pro Tips

Whatever you play, some idiot will find a way to get it wrong, so make sure you know your own rules. For example:

  • In High-Low, what happens if the next card is the same value as the current one? Does a 'pair' mean the player loses, or do they get a special bonus prize for that?
  • In Blackjack, what happens if you both score the same? Again, is this a loss or a win for the player?
  • In any game, is Ace 'low' i.e. worth 1 point, 'high' i.e. worth 14 points (8, 9, 10, J=11, Q=12, K=13, A=14) or can it be either depending on what the player chooses?
Keep it simple. As far as possible, avoid having to wait on the player to tell you what they want - it only takes a few seconds of lag to kill the atmosphere while the whole room waits on their next move.

And learn to shuffle the deck. Shuffling very large cards can be tricky, but there's nothing worse than playing a card game and seeing the cards deal out in deck order, or in the exact same order as in the previous game. Find a reliable way to mix them up, and your games will be more successful.

Do you play card games in your room? Have we missed anything? Let us know in the comments below!

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